Sunday, 28 June 2009

Communicate with a Woman ..

Would you like to be irresistible in the eyes of a woman ?

Animations - heart-11

Most men feel helpless in front of the incomprehensible mystery : the woman. They are convinced that women are too complicated, a very different creature, that's why they don't do any effort to understand them. Unfortunately, this is a too simplistic way to drop the confrontation. Talking without understanding is the dialogue of the deaf. Yet the secret is simple : to communicate with a woman it's just to know her language. Like all other languages, communicating with a woman can be learned. It is a talent that needs to be developed, just like to know to drive, or to play a musical instrument or typing ! Here are some tips to help you learn this mysterious female language. Once you know this language and you begin to use it, you are an irresistible man. - The only place for Myspace icons, Orkut avatars, and profile codes

Make time to talk with her ! Just as you make time to watch television, to eat, to surf on the net, to go out, you need to make the time to sit with her and talk. This is called making an effort and even if you only discuss the very basics : work, friends, for her it will be well noted.

Be an active listener ! Pay attention to what she says and acknowledge what she says but without judgement. This requires patience and concentration, which is again something men are not known for. Make the effort to try, you won't regret it. - The only place for Myspace icons, Orkut avatars, and profile codes

Let her know you care ! If she had a bad day at work, she needs to know you are on her side. Telling her that she should just quit her job if she doesn't like or to minimise the value of her suffering or feelings, is not at all the answer. Think about how you would feel in a similar situation and even relate a similar experience if you've had one. She has to know you care about her.

Watch emotions and details ! When talking with her, put your ego aside and use emotions and details when describing an experience. She will certainly relate to what you say having felt the same thing herself and by offering the seemingly pointless details, she will know you care about her. - The only place for Myspace icons, Orkut avatars, and profile codes

Have the will and the passion to better understand her ! Feeling obliged to learn her language won't help you. To communicate with women is like learning a foreign language. But everything was foreign once. The key to learning anything is to have a passion for the subject and then practise as much as possible. Understanding her better will bring you more of what you want and you would do it for her. Women often complain that men don't know how to communicate.

Be by her side ! Women don’t need to have a particular reason to talk ; they like to talk because it creates connection with the others. So they always want to have near them someone who wants to listen and talk with them. Also, women use talking as a way to release tension. A woman, when she talks, she feels better. So Sirs, listen, listen and .. listen.

Be surprising ! Women love small gestures. To a man these gestures do not have necessarily an important value. You may consider them ridiculous or unnecessary, but for a woman, those little touches count so much, even more than a trip to Venice ! Soft words, surprises, small gifts, remembering important dates, gestures of affection, calls from time to time, etc. do not cost much but captivate a woman. - The only place for Myspace icons, Orkut avatars, and profile codes

Remember the secret key : a woman does not speak your language, does not think like you do, does not see things the same way as you do : she is different from you ! What you need to do is to apply the first lesson. This is the key to a successful communication. And that's not all ..

Lesson 1

Animations - two birds