Saturday, 28 February 2009

Your Name Tells Who You Are ...

What does your name mean ?

I offer you a moment of relaxation to discover the relation between your name and your own personality. What you need to do is to find out what each letter of your name means, then connect all the meanings whic will describe YOU. If you have double or triple letters, just count the meaning once. Example: Maya, the 'a' counts once. It's easy !

You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind.
You are always cautious when it comes to meeting new people.
You definitely have a dark side in you, don't be shy to show it.
You have trouble trusting people.
You are a very exciting person.
Everyone loves you.
You have excellent ways of viewing people.
You are ! not judgmental.
You are always smiling and making others smile.=2 0
You like! to try new things.
Love is something you deeply believe in.
Success comes easily to you.
You like to work, but you always want a break.
You are very open-minded.
You are very friendly and understanding.
You are a hypocrite.
You are a social butterfly.
You are very broad-minded.
You have an attitude, a big one.
You feel like you have to equal up to people's standards.
You have a very good physique and looks.
You cause a lot of trouble.
You never let people tell you what to do.
You like your privacy.
You're always fighting with someone

So what do you think ?

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Why do Men Dispute with Women ?

What are the Real Reasons for their Dispute?

Animations - heart-11

Men dispute regularly with women. As for women, they don't understand instinctively the needs of a man in order to face these disagreements. Each conflict of ideas, feelings or desires, for a man, is like a real challenge. The more he is intimate with a woman, the more fights and disagreements with her become tough for him. When she doesn't like what he does for her, he considers it as a personal offence, as he concludes that she doesn't love him. In other words, a man cannot face tensions efficiently within the couple unless his essential emotional needs are satisfied. But, as soon as he thinks that he lacks of love, the dark side of his character dominates to make him stand on the defensive side. A man who provokes conflicts concerning money, time, children education, etc. is probably raised by one of the following reasons:

A man hates when a woman worries for the smallest thing he does or he does not, he feels criticized and rejected. He wants her to accept him as he is as he thinks that she tries to change him.

He hates when she tells him how to do things. He feels that she doesn't admire him and that she treats him as a baby. He needs to feel admired.

He hates when she blames him about her personal problems. This won't encourage him to become her charming prince. He needs encouragement.

He hates when she complains that she does so much to him but that he doesn't thank her enough. This gives him the impression that she doesn't appreciate what he does for her. He needs to feel appreciated, but in this case, he feels blamed, null and disrespected.

He doesn't like when she worries about anything that might happen. He feels that she doesn't trust him enough. He needs her to express her trust to him and her feeling of security with him as her worries make him feel sad.

He doesn't like when she insists that he talk or act according to her will. He doesn't feel accepted or respected. He needs her to accept him as he is, but in this case, he feels dominated and obliged to talk when he has nothing to say. He feels that he will never satisfy her.

He doesn't like when she feels hurt from whatever he says. He feels that she doesn't trust him enough, that she doesn't understand him and that she disregards him. He needs her to accept him and to trust him, while he feels that she never forgives him and that she ignores him.

He hates when she thinks that he can read her thoughts, but in the reality, he cannot. This makes him feel helpless and has the impression that he is not the suitable partner for her. He needs her approval and to feel accepted as he is, while she makes him feel that he failed.

When his basic emotional needs are satisfied, a man tends to use less hurting arguments. He becomes then capable to listen and to talk in a respectful, understanding and kind way. Personal fights, contradictory arguments and negative feelings will be solved by conversation, negotiation and compromises, without having to reach cruel fights.

According to John Gray

To be continued ..
Animations - two birds

Friday, 6 February 2009

Why do Women Dispute With Men?

What are the Real Reasons for Their Dispute ?

Animations - heart-11

Men and women dispute frequently for various reasons like : matters of finance, lack of time, children education, etc. But the real reason for these discussions between them is : they don’t feel sufficiently beloved by the partner. This impression of lack of love generates disputes between couples. A woman seems discussing ordinary subjects with her partner, but deep inside her, she opposes him for one of the following reasons :

A woman hates when her man minimizes her feelings or her needs, she feels neglected. Instead of feeling appreciated, she feels rejected.

She hates when he forgets to do what she asked him to. She needs to feel his respect and that he takes care of her when she thinks that he neglects her.

She has the impression that she should be perfect in order to please him when he blames her to be bad. She needs his comprehension and that he reassures her of his love and that he loves her the way she is.

She thinks that her opinion has no value to him and that he never listens to her. She needs to feel understood and respected.

She hates if he doesn’t answer her questions or comments as if she doesn't exist. She needs his attention.

She doesn’t like when he explains to her why she shouldn’t be worried, angry, etc. She feels that her feelings are depreciated. She feels abandoned and hated. She needs that he acknowledge the legitimacy of her feelings and that he understand her.

She doesn’t like when he makes her feel that having emotions is a kind of weakness. She feels a lack of security and protection with him. She needs to feel respected and loved when she confides her feelings to him.
This is how men start disputes without realsing it. They start by underestimating the feelings or the point of view of their partners. For example : a man would say "don't worry for that", or "it's not that serious", as for men, this kind of sentences is friendly and doesn't mean any offense. But for a woman, it's very offensive. The lack of clear communication between them will lead to these results.

According to John Gray

To be continued ..

Animations - two birds