What are the Real Reasons for Their Dispute ?
Men and women dispute frequently for various reasons like : matters of finance, lack of time, children education, etc. But the real reason for these discussions between them is : they don’t feel sufficiently beloved by the partner. This impression of lack of love generates disputes between couples. A woman seems discussing ordinary subjects with her partner, but deep inside her, she opposes him for one of the following reasons :
A woman hates when her man minimizes her feelings or her needs, she feels neglected. Instead of feeling appreciated, she feels rejected.
She hates when he forgets to do what she asked him to. She needs to feel his respect and that he takes care of her when she thinks that he neglects her.
She has the impression that she should be perfect in order to please him when he blames her to be bad. She needs his comprehension and that he reassures her of his love and that he loves her the way she is.
She thinks that her opinion has no value to him and that he never listens to her. She needs to feel understood and respected.
She hates if he doesn’t answer her questions or comments as if she doesn't exist. She needs his attention.
She doesn’t like when he explains to her why she shouldn’t be worried, angry, etc. She feels that her feelings are depreciated. She feels abandoned and hated. She needs that he acknowledge the legitimacy of her feelings and that he understand her.
She doesn’t like when he makes her feel that having emotions is a kind of weakness. She feels a lack of security and protection with him. She needs to feel respected and loved when she confides her feelings to him.
She doesn’t like when he makes her feel that having emotions is a kind of weakness. She feels a lack of security and protection with him. She needs to feel respected and loved when she confides her feelings to him.
This is how men start disputes without realsing it. They start by underestimating the feelings or the point of view of their partners. For example : a man would say "don't worry for that", or "it's not that serious", as for men, this kind of sentences is friendly and doesn't mean any offense. But for a woman, it's very offensive. The lack of clear communication between them will lead to these results.
According to John Gray
To be continued ..